We had so much fun having Nate and Sarah come to visit! The boys were in Heaven. Josh thinks that Nate is the funniest person in the whole world. He laughed most of the time they were here. Sarah was amazing with the boys and spent almost every waking moment with them. She is so amazing with the boys. The boys were spoiled with attention and loved it!
Sarah is such an awesome aunt that she jumped on the tramp with Josh during our only freezing blizzard this winter. It lasted a total of 15 minutes and no snow stuck. Seriously I don't think we had winter this year.
Sarah baked a cake and decorated it with the boys! Can I say again, WHAT AN AWESOME AUNT!
Nate and Sarah sharing their ipad/ipod with the boys.
Sarah drawing with the boys!
Thanks for coming out! Sorry, I was so sick and no fun! Thanks for entertaining and loving the boys!