We have decided on the following rank list:
#1 Indiana
#2 Duke
#3 Michigan
#4 Utah
#5 Cleveland Clinic
#6 Mayo Clinic
#7 Iowa
#8 Florida
#9 Peoria
#10 Colorado
#11 Wisconsin
#12 Wash-U
The ranking decision was not easy--all of the programs I interviewed at were very good. Indiana is at the top because I really liked the faculty and residents there, they operate early and often, they are merging with a very successful private practice group that will dramatically increase their surgical numbers, and it is a 6 year program (versus 7). The chairman of the department has repeatedly said, "the residents are the crown jewel of the program." In other words, the residents are valued and treated very well. As far as the family goes, the program seems to be very family friendly. They work more reasonable hours than some of the other programs. Many of their residents have children. Indianapolis seems to be a good place to live--friendly people, affordable, lots to do--and, as a bonus, our good friends, the Heiners, live there. I feel like each member of our family will be very happy.
There were times when I planned on ranking Duke, Michigan, Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, Utah, and Iowa #1. They all have significant strengths. In the end, however, I feel like we will be happiest in Indiana.